Fernando Jose Capeletto Neto
Electronics Systems Engineer, Software Development Engineer  
CV - Education - Credentials - Extension - Cover Letter - GPS Curriculum


U.S.A. Green Card Holder
E.U. Citizenship


DevOps Laboratory Portfolio

This placeholder contains a summary of components belonging to Fernando's Software Lab, listing as well the DevOps tools currently in use for its continuous integration & continuous delivery processes.
The process can be summarized in the picture below:

According to the component type, a commit for a given project hosted in GitLab can trigger the following pipelines in the Lab's Jenkins instance:

The Lab contains also a Jupyter Notebook instance available to test and prototype scripts before pushing it to CD/CI pipelines and its further use inside components and applications.
Please use the credentials available at the login page to access and try these test scripts by yourself.
All notebooks there are also under GitLab so you can joy with them with no worries to lose data.

Combat Management System Simulator/Game

A Combat Management System Game architecture overview, containing its components is presented below.

An overall description of the CMS components exemplifies the usage of each Lab tool during CMS CI/CD process:

  1. AIVDMDecoder (GitLab):
    • Decoder for AIVDM/AIVDO messages based on NMEA0183 protocol.
    • Its Build & Deploy pipeline (Deploy Pipeline) provides a artifact that can interprete these 27 AIS Message Types through a consumer service that can be imported (Nexus) from other components.
    • The Code Quality check pipeline (Code Quality Pipeline) triggers a SonarQube analisys (SonarQube).
  2. CMSAVRO (GitLab):
    • Contains the AVRO Interfaces Description Language (*.avdl files) for the CMS.
    • During its pipeline (Deploy Pipeline), all AVRO schemas (*.avsc files) belonging to the CMS are generated and deployed (Nexus).
    • Provides a stardand domain model to be used inside all CMS components, regardless its programming language.
  3. CMSAvroJava (GitLab):
    • Contains the Java Domain Model for the CMS
    • During its pipeline (Deploy Pipeline), all JAVA code related to the CMS Domain Model are automaticaly generated from CMSAVRO schemas and deployed (Nexus).
    • Provides a stardandized CMS Domain Model for Java components.
  4. CMSDisplay (GitLab):
    • CMSDisplay is the frontend component providing Graphical User Interface for the CMS
    • Based on a AngularJS and built using reactive programming and Leaflet map features.
    • CMSDisplay is a Kafka subscriber off TrackHandler CMS microservice component through a WebSocket bridge, and also perform HTTP API REST requests to it.
    • Feature Details are available in the README of GitLab project (icon above)
  5. Leaflet Arc Marker (GitHub):
    • Enables Marker Arcs icons in Leaflet.
    • Available in the public NPMJs NPMJs registry repository to be used in other Leflet projects .
    • Feature Details are available in the README of GitHub / NPMJs (icons above)
  6. TrackDisplay (GitLab):
    (Deprecated in favor of CMSDisplay - The artifacts, pipelines and documentation remains in Lab portfolio)
    • CMS Graphical User Interface component.
    • Based on a Python Flask app handling several REST endpoints between a JavaScript client-side layer and the CMS server-side components.
    • The CMSMap JS module contains the CMS client-side logic, acting as a bridge between the LeafLet JS module and the CMS domain model JS Classes, finally TrackDisplay render the OpenStreetMap map.
    • A Build & Deploy pipeline (Deploy Pipeline) creates and publish a docker image (Docker) to be integrated in the CMS docker-container package application.
    • The Code Quality check pipeline (Code Quality Pipeline) triggers a SonarQube analisys (SonarQube).
    • TrackDisplay has a AWS pipeline (AWS Deploy Pipeline) deploying its image inside an Amazon EC2 cluster allowing the GUI to be launched and verified in a cloud enviroment.
  7. TrackHandler (GitLab):
    • Spring Boot Java application encharged to Handle Tracks Management and Tactical Situation.
    • Uses JPA & Hibernate Framework to handle tracks persistence.
    • Meanwhile AISEmulator and AISReceptor components (comming soon) still not implemented, TrackHandler also offers a AIS decoding service allowing a mock injection of AIS messages through TrackDisplay and AIVDMDecoder (see /injection and /aisdecoder endpoints below).
    • A Build & Deploy pipeline (Deploy Pipeline) publishes the jar artifacts (Nexus) and creates and publish a docker image (Docker) to be integrated in the CMS docker-container package application.
    • The Code Quality check pipeline (Code Quality Pipeline) triggers a SonarQube analisys (SonarQube).
  8. TrackActorDatabase component (GitLab):
    • Spring Boot Java application encharged to provide relevant, sensitive and customized information about Tracks, acting as a Track Classifier, to help in the decision making process.
    • Uses JPA & Hibernate Framework to handle track profiles persistence.
    • A Build & Deploy pipeline (Deploy Pipeline) publishes the jar artifacts (Nexus) and creates and publish a docker image (Docker) to be integrated in the CMS docker-container package application.
    • The Code Quality check pipeline (Code Quality Pipeline) triggers a SonarQube analisys (SonarQube).